Entity Culling — 1.6.1-1.18.2 — Fabric

02:26, 27.11.2024

## What’s Changed
* Reworked the ray engine to fix corner cases. This should better prevent things from incorrectly getting culled(https://github.com/tr7zw/EntityCulling/issues/77 for more details)
* Fix Forge servers crashing when installing this mod
* Fix Warden heartbeat getting culled because it’s generated clientside
* Remove donor skin animation stuff
* Correctly respect shouldRenderOffScreen and noCulling by Entities/BlockEntities
* Add skipEntityCulling/skipBlockEntityCulling config options
* Add more Botania projectiles to the default ignore config
* Add Traditional Chinese by @xMikux in https://github.com/tr7zw/EntityCulling/pull/94
* Add create entites to the default ticking whitelist

## New Contributors
* @xMikux made their first contribution in https://github.com/tr7zw/EntityCulling/pull/94

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tr7zw/EntityCulling/compare/1.5.2-1.19.3…1.6.1-1.19.3

Опубликовал: tr7zw Категории: 1.18.* ОS: Windows

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