LootTweaker — LootTweaker-1.11.2-

21:03, 28.12.2024

* First version for Minecraft 1.11 available on Modrinth
* Removed debug print statements
* Fixed issue with getPool() and mod-added pools
* Fixed issues when calling addPool() and getPool() on the same pool
* Ignore frozen loot tables and loot pools silently
* Fixed NPE when using getPool() on a table that has no pools. LT now logs an error instead
* Fixed erroneous error when setting bonus rolls
* Implemented methods for adding empty loot entries
* Corrected incorrect log message for addPool()
* Replaced mt loottables entity subcommand with mt loottables target, which gets the loot table of the targeted entity. This is more accurate for entities that can have different loot tables depending on certain conditions(E.g sheep).

Опубликовал: Daomephsta Категории: 1.11.* ОS: Windows

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