MCHelper — v1.0.0

15:00, 10.02.2025

## v1.0.0 (January 29, 2025)
### Initial Release
— **Feature:** Added support for custom command bindings to items (LMB).
— **Feature:** Introduced the `/setitem` command to bind commands to items in the player’s hand.
— **Feature:** Introduced the `/removeitem` command to remove bindings from items.
— **Feature:** Added `/listbindings` command to list the current bindings of the item in the player’s hand.
— **Feature:** Implemented a boss bar that displays feedback when a command is executed or binding is changed.
— **Improvement:** Improved player experience by displaying a boss bar with success or failure messages for each command execution.

### Commands:
— `/setitem LMB `: Binds a command to the left mouse button on the item you’re holding.
— `/removeitem LMB`: Removes the command binding from the left mouse button on the item you’re holding.
— `/listbindings`: Shows a list of all the commands bound to the item you’re holding.

Опубликовал: noxygalaxy Категории: 1.16.* ОS: Windows

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