Mushroom Stuff — Mushroom Stuff 1.1.0-1.20.1

01:22, 09.12.2024

# 1.1.0
_hehe, funny bean update_

### Sporebeans
Sporebeans are a new item crafted with 4 spores and sugar, placed in a + formation. They are unstackable, and every sporebean type gives you Speed II and Jump Boost I for 10 seconds. You can dye sporebeans with 6 different dyes, being red, yellow, green, blue, purple and gray. Red beans give you Fire Resistance, yellow gives you Strength, green gives you Night Vision, blue gives you Water Breathing, purple gives you Regeneration II and gray gives you Slow Falling. (each dye effect lasts 10 seconds like the default bean effects.)

### Bugfixes
— Goop Vacuum can no longer duplicate itself randomly.
— Spore Harvester can no longer duplicate itself randomly.

### Upcoming Features
— Adding a bag for the Sporebeans, similar to a bundle. Sporebean Bags can hold up to 8 sporebeans and when used will place a Sporebean into your inventory.

Опубликовал: yourlocalsadmushroom Категории: 1.20.* ОS: Windows

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