NBS Extensions — NBS Extensions 1.21.3-0.1.3-fabric

18:09, 09.12.2024

## Following Changes Were Made:

«`755d245«` **refactor:** clean up just a bit — RedVortexDev

«`7fb5e13«` **feat:** de-brand music player, templates inside unchanged — RedVortexDev

«`40feb6c«` **fix:** actually apply music player item name — RedVortexDev

«`acba928«` **fix:** longstanding issue where more than 9 custom instruments will fail — RedVortexDev

«`6f84581«` **perf:** replace String#format with multiple stringbuilder appends — RedVortexDev

## You Can Help:

1. Clone the GitHub Repository.
2. Make changes to help improve the mod.
3. Create a Pull Request.

It has only been me and RedVortex working on this, but code suggestions can help further this mod. You can even add your own personal touches to existing parts. (e.g. UI adjustments.)

Опубликовал: mudkip989 Категории: 1.21.* ОS: Windows

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