YetAnotherConfigLib (YACL) — 3.1.0+1.19.4 (Fabric)

16:54, 21.11.2024

# YetAnotherConfigLib 3.1.0 for 1.19.4

## API Changes

### `ListOption` changes

A PR by [Crendgrim]( — thanks a lot!

— Allow to specify size limits for option lists.
— This allows to set a minimum and maximum length for the option list with the `minimumNumberOfEntries`
and `maximumNumberOfEntries` builder methods.
— Allow «reversed" lists that add new options at their end.
— List options until now always grew at the top. This patch allows you to manipulate this behaviour with the
`insertEntriesAtEnd` builder method.

### `ImageRenderer` changes

Added a `tick()` method to image renderers that allows to update the image in a regular interval.

## Bug Fixes

— Fixed a bug where image renderers were rendered twice per frame.
— Updated the ImageIO dependency to fix sometimes buggy animated WebP rendering.
— Fixed the name of the list being rendered on every entry of said list.

## Language Updates

— Added Tatar translation (by [Amirhan-Taipovjan-Greatest-I](

Опубликовал: isxander Категории: 1.19.* ОS: Windows

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