# YetAnotherConfigLib 3.2 for 1.20.2
The artifact for this release is
`dev.isxander.yacl:yet-another-config-lib-fabric:3.2.0+1.20.2` (assuming Fabric)
## Config API V2
Starting this update, the previous config api is now deprecated.
The new API is much more modular, and is now fully API-safe.
### What does it look like?
public class MyConfig {
public static final ConfigClassHandler
.id(new ResourceLocation(«my_mod", «my_config")) // unique ID for your config
.serializer(config -> GsonConfigSerializerBuilder.create(config)
.setJson5(true) // json5 support, with GSON!
@SerialEntry(comment = «optional comment!")
public boolean myOption = true;
public static void save() {
public static void load() {
As you can see from the above example, it’s syntactically quite similar
to the old API, but with a few key differences:
— The method of serialization has been separated from the class handler itself,
allowing an API safe implementation without needing to override the class handler.
— Supports abstract serialization.
— Names make a lot more sense.
### Auto-gen
The new API can now fully auto-generate your config into a YACL GUI with annotations.
I have been very wary of this feature, since usually it can be very limiting, destroying most
of the core values of the powerful YACL builder interface. However, I believe I’ve found a great
modular way so that developers can extend the auto-gen feature with their own custom annotations,
adding support for their own custom controllers!
public class MyConfig {
public static final ConfigClassHandler
.id(new ResourceLocation(«my_mod", «my_config")) // unique ID for your config
.serializer(config -> GsonConfigSerializerBuilder.create(config)
.setJson5(true) // json5 support, with GSON!
@AutoGen(category = «my_category", group = «my_group")
@Boolean(formatter = Boolean.Formatter.YES_NO, colored = true)
public boolean myOption = true;
public static Screen createScreen(Screen parent) {
return MyConfig.HANDLER.generateGui().generateScreen(parent);
Above is an example of auto-generating a `BooleanController`. Notice how
the field does not require `@SerialEntry`. These are completely separate,
and you can use both at the same time.
For the full range of auto-gen annotations, check the source!
Documentation for the new API is still a work in progress. For now, it’s best
to look at the following class: [`dev.isxander.yacl3.test.AutogenConfigTest`](https://github.com/isXander/YetAnotherConfigLib/blob/1.20.x/dev/test-common/src/main/java/dev/isxander/yacl3/test/AutogenConfigTest.java) (not available on the artifact).
## Fix Sodium crash
This is bringing the off-branch hotfix 3.1.1 to the main branch.
## Dropdown controllers
[Crendgrim](https://github.com/isXander/Crendgrim) has PRed a dropdown controller! Which is in this release!
This adds two new controller builders, `DropdownStringControllerBuilder` and `ItemControllerBuilder`.
The latter renders the item in the dropdown, and suggests only the items.